Business to Business Collections & Legal
Business to Business debt collections is a specialized process that requires a few key elements to be successful:
- A Highly Trained Agent that has vast knowledge across all industries and how their AR processes work
- A collection "Billing System" in place that manages the complexities of each debt and can generate specific communications based on the nature and status of the debt
- Multiple resources to effectively analyze and skip trace
- In-House Legal Team and Attorney
CBusa works fast to evaluate the type of contract in place, locate assets, determine a collection approach and then execute. The entire process is supported by an "In House" legal team and Attorney that effectively moves an account through the legal process as quickly as State Law allows.
CBusa understands how quickly businesses dissolve and works as quickly as possible to secure our clients position and recover cash.
For more details and to discuss your business, please give us a call today at 1-559-485-7900